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3 stories in this thread

12:57 on April 10 2012

Looking At Topless Photos Of One Direction Makes Me Feel Really Old

Big Apple Music SceneYou know what I didn't need to know about One Direction? What the boys look like topless. Unfortch, they didn't ask me before going on a shirtless boat trip in Australia.... more info
17:33 on April 11 2012

U.S. One Direction Sues UK One Direction For Stealing Their Name, But We Already Know Who The Winner Is Here

Big Apple Music SceneThe U.S. band One Direction obviously waited until their UK counterparts One Direction became crazy-famous to sue them for $1 million for allegedly stealing their names. ... more info
15:49 on April 12 2012

You Can Now Buy One Direction’s Leftover Food For Only $100,000

Big Apple Music SceneWell, looks like One Direction mania is officially out of control! They're being sued, they're being sexed and now their leftover food is being sold on ebay for the absou... more info


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