Lorde Is Really Sorry For Comparing Her Friendship With Famous People To Autoimmune Diseases
Diseases are getting dragged this week. First, Hanson compared Chlamydia to Justin Bieber’s voice, and now Lorde is saying that being friends with Taylor Swift is like being friends with someone with an autoimmune disease. Hanson has yet to burp up a sorry for shitting on Chlamydia like that, but Lorde has apologized, and probably because she […]
Dlisted — Diseases are getting dragged this week. First, Hanson compared Chlamydia to Justin Bieber’s voice, and now Lorde is saying that being friends with Taylor Swift is like... more info
PopSugar —
Lorde is known for many things: her insanely catchy lyrics, her "awkward" dance moves, and of course, for being an exclusive member of Taylor Swift's infamous friend gr... more info
PopSugar UK —
Lorde is known for many things: her insanely catchy lyrics, her "awkward" dance moves, and of course, for being an exclusive member of Taylor Swift's infamous friend gr... more info