M.I.A. Says Justin Bieber's Videos Are 'More Offensive' Than Her 'Born Free'
'I find the new Justin Bieber video more violent and more of an assault to my eyes ...,' M.I.A. told a British magazine.By James Montgomery
Photo: Michael Buckner/ Getty Images
In the past month, M.I.A. has taken shots at Lady Gaga and, uh, the U.S. government. And now, she's moved on to the next logical target: Justin Bieber.
In the current issue of British music magazine
NME, M.I.A. was asked about the meaning behind the controversial clip she made for her song "Born Free."...
Pitchfork — "I find the new Justin Bieber video more violent and more of an assault to my eyes and senses than what I've made." -- After bashing Lady Gaga, M.I.A. adds another Top 40... more info
MTV.com News — 'I find the new Justin Bieber video more violent and more of an assault to my eyes ...,' M.I.A. told a British magazine.By James Montgomery
Photo: Michael B... more info
Pop Crunch — Tweeners, break out your pitchforks! M.I.A. is sounding off on your banged Messiah — and it isn’t pretty.The envelope-pushing Sri Lankan rap star is still hopping mad... more info