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4 stories in this thread

08:33 on July 15 2010

M.I.A: 'I Love Justin Bieber'

GigwiseShe praises the teen star... more info
10:35 on July 16 2010

Justin Bieber Overtakes Lady Gaga To Claim YouTube's Biggest Music Video

GigwiseTeen star eclipses singer... more info
11:44 on July 16 2010

M.I.A Loves Justin Bieber NewsM.I.A has told MTV News she’s a fan of Justin Bieber, though we’re not sure how truthful she was being!  The star has gone a bit slushy on her new album with love so... more info
10:50 on July 15 2010

M.I.A. Declares She 'Loves' Justin Bieber

VH1 NewsM.I.A. professes her love for Justin Bieber, though she previously has said she finds the mop-headed pop star headed. more info


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