Paul McCartney's American girlfriend, trucking heiress Nancy Shevell, is getting flack in her business life.
The 49-year-old has been dating the former Beatle for 18 months already, but it seems dating a celeb is distracting her from working a real job.
Shevell is currently vice president at New Jersey trucking company New England Motor Freight Inc. [...]
Newsday — NEW YORK (AP) — Nancy Shevell beamed for hundreds of cameras in London's Leicester Square, a green silk jacket on one arm and Paul McCartney on the other. The 49-y... more info
Perez Hilton — Paul McCartney's American girlfriend, trucking heiress Nancy Shevell, is getting flack in her business life.
The 49-year-old has been dating the former Beatle for 18 mont... more info
ContactMusic — New York City public officials are defending SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY's girlfriend NANCY SHEVELL amid allegations she has abandoned her responsibilities as a transport boardmem... more info
ContactMusic — SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY's former wife HEATHER MILLS has vowed to fight publications and websites who print damaging lies about her - because she doesn't want her daughter to r... more info