Clothing company claims it's been using the name since 1997.By Gil Kaufman
Photo: James Devaney/ WireImage
Even though it's her longtime nickname, Madonna may not have the right to use the phrase "material girl" for the clothing line she started with daughter Lourdes. According to TMZ, a company called L.A. Triumph, Inc. recently filed suit against Madonna claiming that she misappropriated the Material Girl name for her clothing line.
Triumph claims in the lawsuit that it's ...
ContactMusic — Madonna is being sued over her clothing line. The '4 Minutes' singer - who worked on a range of clothes entitled Material Girl with her 13-year-old daughter Lourdes -... more info
Perez Hilton — That didn't take long!
A lawsuit has been filed by LA Triumph claiming Madonna and her Material Girl clothing line have no right to use their trademark.
Accord... more info News — Clothing company claims it's been using the name since 1997.By Gil Kaufman
Photo: James Devaney/ WireImage
Even though it's her longtime nickname, Mad... more info
VH1 News — Madonna has been sued over the Material Girl fashion line she started with daughter Lourdes; a company claims it's been using the name since 1997. more info
Reuters — LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Madonna has been hit with a lawsuit over her new "Material Girl" fashion line for teenagers by a California clothing company that says it has been... more info
Pop Crunch — Her name may be synonymous with the term, but a Los Angeles clothing company says Madonna is not the proverbial Material Girl after all. On Thursday, the brand filed suit... more info
L.A. Times - Entertainment — According to a lawsuit filed Thursday by apparel manufacturer L.A. Triumph Inc., it's been selling millions of bucks worth of Material Girl clothing since, oh, 1997.
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Sky News — Madonna has been sued over her new Material Girl clothing line by a fashion company that claims it has been using the name for the last 13 years. more info