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3 stories in this thread

05:03 on February 14 2012

Madonna's Tour Dates Selling Out Fast

411 ManiaIt's a hot ticket item... more info
22:40 on February 13 2012

Madonna Tour Sales Are Massive! Most Dates Sell Out In Minutes!

Perez HiltonAre U really surprised??? Madonna is the QUEEN and ticket sales prove the kingdom LOVES her Madgesty!! NYC's 60,000 seat Yankee Stadium?? SOLD OUT IN 20 MINUTES!! DC, ... more info
00:40 on February 14 2012

Madonna Adds SECOND Yankee Stadium Tour Date!!!

Perez HiltonAfter tickets for the 60,000 seat Yankee Stadium sold out in TWENTY MINUTES, Madonna decided to add a SECOND date so all her NYC fans can revel in her Madgesty!! LOVE IT... more info


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