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4 stories in this thread

08:45 on March 21 2014

Madonna boasts 'Long hair, don't care' as she reveals her 'natural' underarm in busty Instagram

The Daily MailMadonna gave fans a less pleasant view of herself as she posted a photograph showing her hairy armpit and wrote: 'Long hair...... Don't Care!!!!!! #artforfreedom #rebelhe... more info
16:54 on March 21 2014

Madonna -- Me Against the Razor

TMZMadonna continued her campaign to remain relevant by posting a disgusting photo of her unshaven armpit on Instagram. The photo was captioned: "Long hair...... Don't Care!... more info
14:30 on March 22 2014

Madonna bares her unshaven underarm on Instagram

L.A. Times - Entertainment      more info
14:30 on March 22 2014

Madonna bares her unshaven underarm on Instagram

L.A. Times - News more info


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