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5 stories in this thread

09:29 on June 9 2009

Mani: 'Stone Roses will reform if we're offered enough money'

NMEBassist says there's a chance the Manchester legends will play together again more info
13:06 on June 9 2009

Mani: Stone Roses Would Reform For Enough ££

The QuietusHope for Reni hat salesmen more info
23:58 on June 8 2009

Mani: Money matters more than morals

STONE Roses bassist Mani thinks bandmates can put their difference behind them for money more info
23:58 on June 8 2009

Roses reunion isn't fool's gold

STONE Roses star Mani thinks bandmates can put all differences behind them for money more info
11:33 on June 9 2009

Mani 'Stone Roses Reunion Would Cost Millions'

AngryApeHe says certain members would need a huge payment more info


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