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4 stories in this thread

22:06 on February 1 2011

Mariah Carey - Carey Expecting Boy And Girl Twins

ContactMusicMARIAH CAREY will follow pop peer JENNIFER LOPEZ's lead when she gives birth for the first time later this year (11) - she's expecting boy and girl twins.Lopez gave birth... more info
22:19 on February 1 2011

Carey expecting a boy and girl

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaMariah Carey will follow pop peer Jennifer Lopez's lead when she gives birth for the first time later this year - she's expecting boy and girl twins. more info
00:04 on February 2 2011

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Expecting a Boy and a Girl

PopeaterFiled under: Celebrity Baby, Famous Couples, Good News, Music News, Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are already looking forward to double duty with... more info
02:06 on February 2 2011

Mariah Carey's Twins To Be a Boy and a Girl

411 ManiaThe couple is excited over the news... more info


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