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6 stories in this thread

19:15 on April 9 2009

J-Lo Wins In Court!

Perez HiltonJennifer Lopez doesn't play around when it comes to people using her name and image for profit - and rightfully so! The Latin diva sued some Internet guy who registered t... more info
18:20 on April 9 2009

Jennifer Lopez - Lopez Wins Battle Over Website Domains

ContactMusicJENNIFER LOPEZ has won her legal battle with a U.S. website operator who registered internet addresses using the star's name.Jeremiah Tieman of Phoenix, Arizona... more info
11:10 on April 10 2009

Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Lopez Wins Cyber-squatting Case

ContactMusicUS singer and actress Jennifer Lopez has won a court case over the use of two domain names and jenniferlopez.orgThe If You Want My Love star... more info
17:18 on April 10 2009

Mayhem ensues as Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez take in a matinee performance of The Lion King on Broadway

The Newsroomv5264, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Saturday April 4 2009. Mayhem ensues as Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez take in a matinee performance of The Lion King on Broadway. Video: Pac... more info
18:00 on April 10 2009

Jennifer Lopez Wigs Out at Marc's Concert

PopSugarJennifer Lopez was Marc Anthony's biggest fan at his concert last night at the Hard Rock in Hollywood, FL. She showed off her tropical-inspired ensemble while dancing and... more info
14:45 on April 10 2009

Hands in the air! Jennifer Lopez jumps out of her seat to dance at her husband's show

The Daily MailHands in the air! Jennifer Lopez jumps out of her seat to dance at her husband's show more info


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