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3 stories in this thread

17:03 on October 30 2013

METALLICA On Justin Bieber: "Are we Beliebers? Yes."

Metal InjectionThe internet might just explode due to this story. Last week, we posted that video of Justin Bieber humming the solo to Metallica's "Fade To Black" and there was ... more info
01:03 on October 31 2013

Metallica Say They're Fans of Justin Bieber

411 ManiaThey're Beliebers... more info
22:27 on October 31 2013

Metallica Are Justin Bieber Fans! "I Think the Kid's Really Talented," Says Bandmate Lars Ulrich

E! OnlineWell here's something we didn't expect. Rock band Metallica have come out in support to 19-year-old pop superstar Justin Bieber! In fact, they're self-proclaimed... ... more info


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