Metal giants leave Warner Music after 28 years, saying their decision to go it alone is 'the ultimate in independence' Metallica have left their longtime record label, taking control of their back catalogue. After decades with Warner Music, the metal band announced that they are to launch their own label, Blackened Recordings."It's always been about control for us as a band," drummer Lars Ulrich said. Metallica appear to have acted on a clause of their joint venture agreement, signed with Warner...
Here Comes The Flood —
Metallica have founded their own Record Label, Blackened Recordings. The band posseses all the master tapes of their back catalog. The first released on the new label ... more info — *Metallica* ( have launched ( their own record label, Blackened Reco... more info
Guardian Music — Metal giants leave Warner Music after 28 years, saying their decision to go it alone is 'the ultimate in independence' Metallica have left their longtime record label, ta... more info