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4 stories in this thread

22:07 on December 12 2010

Michael Jackson's Neverland Rides Available to Be Rented

411 ManiaIf you have the cash, of course… more info
12:12 on December 13 2010

Michael Jackson - Jackson Rides Up For Rent

ContactMusicMICHAEL JACKSON fans can get a taste of the late star's famous theme park at his NEVERLAND home - several rides are now available to rent.Bosses at Butler Amusements... more info
12:15 on December 13 2010

Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson's Rides For Rent

ContactMusicMichael Jackson's fairground rides are available to rent. A total of six attractions from the late singer's Neverland ranch amusement park are available via... more info
16:24 on December 13 2010

Jackson rides up for rent

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaMichael Jackson fans can get a taste of the late star's famous theme park at his Neverland home - several rides are now available to rent. more info


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