Michael Jackson Doctor Conrad Murray Won't Make A Plea Deal
Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray won't make a plea deal, his lawyer says. "Plea bargains are for guilty people," Murray's attorney, Ed Chernoff, contends.
MTV.com News — 'Plea bargains are for guilty people,' Murray's attorney, Ed Chernoff, says.By Mark Maurer
Dr. Conrad Murray
Photo: Frederick M. Brown/ Getty Images
The lawyer ... more info
VH1 News — Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray won't make a plea deal, his lawyer says. "Plea bargains are for guilty people," Murray's attorney, Ed Chernoff, contends. more info
Detroit Free Press — The lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor says there will be no plea bargain in the involuntary manslaughter case, though he worries whether an impartial jury can be s... more info