Michael Jackson Spent Thousands To Give Bubbles The Chimp A Voice
Between 1984-1990, Bubbles The Chimp became a pop culture star as the frequent companion of music icon Michael Jackson. However, MJ was never content with a chimp who could simply dress himself and do the Moonwalk. The “Thriller” star reportedly forked over thousands trying to get leading throat specialists to implant vocal chords into his [...]
Dlisted — Detective La Toya needed to replenish her "Getting To The Bottom, Side And Top of Everything" fund, so she sold a few stories to the News of the World about her brother M... more info
Pop Crunch — Between 1984-1990, Bubbles The Chimp became a pop culture star as the frequent companion of music icon Michael Jackson. However, MJ was never content with a chimp who cou... more info