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3 stories in this thread

02:22 on April 26 2016

Michael Stipe Pens Op-Ed Calling for Veto of Georgia's 'Campus Carry' Bill

Rolling StoneMichael Stipe has penned an op-ed asking Georgia governor Nathan Deal to veto a bill that would potentially allow students to carry guns into public university clas... more info
21:35 on April 25 2016

Michael Stipe campaigns against open carry gun law

NMEThe law would allow adults to carry a gun on a public college campus more info
22:45 on April 25 2016

Michael Stipe wrote an Op-Ed opposing the 'college carry' gun bill in Georgia

Brooklyn VeganThe resplendently-bearded Michael Stipe has been all over the place lately, covering Bowie a bunch of times and actively stumping for Bernie Sanders. Continuing to put hi... more info


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