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5 stories in this thread

14:08 on October 8 2010

Miley Cyrus Gets Even Sexier In Video For Dance Jam “Who Owns My Heart”

Idolator“Come on, baby—keep provokin’ me, keep on ropin’ me like a rodeo,” Miley Cyrus commands on her latest single, “Who Owns My Heart.” Like “Can’t Be Tamed,... more info
20:00 on October 8 2010

Miley Cyrus “Who Owns My Heart?” VIDEO Premiere

Pop CrunchMiley’s back to dry-humping and simulating other forms of hoe shit (She truly “Can’t Be Tamed”) in the video promo for her new international single, “Who Owns M... more info
20:37 on October 8 2010

Miley Cyrus' Sexy New Music Video

E! OnlineDon't even think of trying to tame Miley Cyrus now! The sexy music video for her new international single, "Who Owns My Heart," just premiered across the pond in Madrid... more info
23:26 on October 8 2010

Miley Cyrus' new music video is ... appropriate?

Pop BytesLook, I usually don't judge people for their sex lives, unless I think they're just exploiting it for a little face time. I mean hell, look at me; it's my goddamn job! Wh... more info
07:50 on October 9 2010

Miley Cyrus -- Guilt-Tripped Over Sexy New Video

TMZFiled under: Miley Cyrus, Music The backlash over Miley Cyrus ' new body-grinding, panty-sporting, sexed up music video has already beg... more info


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