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5 stories in this thread

23:52 on January 5 2011

Alleged Miley Cyrus Hacker -- Busted by FBI

TMZFiled under: Miley Cyrus, Celebrity Justice The guy who allegedly broke into Miley Cyrus ' email account two years ago and flooded the ... more info
08:11 on January 6 2011

Miley Cyrus - Cyrus' Alleged Hacker Arrested

ContactMusicA hacker who allegedly accessed MILEY CYRUS' email account has been arrested on suspicion of unrelated internet crimes after police seized and searched his computer.Josh ... more info
01:24 on January 6 2011

FBI: Man who bragged of hacking Miley Cyrus, posting revealing pictures, arrested in Nashville

TopixA man who bragged about hacking into Miley Cyrus' e-mail account and distributing revealing pictures of her has been arrested on unrelated charges, according to court doc... more info
12:04 on January 6 2011

Brazen Miley Cyrus Hacker Arrested in Nashville

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, TV News, Celebrity Scandal A man who bragged about hacking into Miley Cyrus' e-mail account and distributing revealing pictures of her has been a... more info
14:24 on January 6 2011

FBI: Man who bragged of hacking Miley Cyrus, posting revealing pictures, arrested in Nashville

L.A. Times - EntertainmentA man who bragged about hacking into Miley Cyrus' e-mail account and distributing revealing pictures of her has been arrested on unrelated charges, according to court doc... more info


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