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3 stories in this thread

18:01 on November 5 2010

Miley Cyrus - Miley's Big Bang To Boom In Theatres?

ContactMusicMILEY CYRUS' mysterious new music video for ROCK MAFIA is set to be developed into a movie.The Hannah Montana actress stars with Kevin Zegers in the promo for The Big... more info
02:49 on November 4 2010

Miley Cyrus, 17, makes out with 26-year-old in video

TopixMiley Cyrus may be 17 but she makes out with Kevin Zegers, 26, in Rock Mafia's 'The Big Bang' music video. more info
20:19 on November 2 2010

Miley Cyrus Gets Frisky In Rock Mafia “Big Bang” VIDEO

Pop CrunchMiley Cyrus channels her inner video vixen in a new promo for the Rock Mafia’s single “Big Bang.” The 17-year-old snuggles up to Gossip Girl’s Kevin Zegers as the... more info


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