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3 stories in this thread

18:10 on February 1 2014

Miley Cyrus Gives Justin Bieber The Ultimate Rich Person Piece Of Advice

ContactMusicPop stars giving advice to pop stars – it’s a bit pot-calling-the-kettle black, but Miley Cyrus might actually have a point with this one. During... more info
23:08 on January 31 2014

Miley Cyrus' advice to Justin Bieber? Don't do anything illegal

L.A. Times - EntertainmentMiley Cyrus has been 21 for all of two months now, give or take, but she's already something of a senior statesman, apparently giving advice to a pal, 19-year-old Justin ... more info
23:08 on January 31 2014

Miley Cyrus' advice to Justin Bieber? Don't do anything illegal

L.A. Times - News more info


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