Miley Cyrus has added to her collection of cars after treating herself to a brand new luxury convertible. The 19-year-old singer/actress walked into a Mercedes-Benz dealership in Encino, Californ...
ContactMusic — Miley Cyrus has splashed out 127000 on a new car The 19-year-old star visited a Mercesez Benz dealership in Encino California last week and paid cash for a new white 2012... more info
ContactMusic — Miley Cyrus has added to her collection of cars after treating herself to a brand new luxury convertible The 19-year-old singeractress walked into a Mercedes-Benz dealers... more info
Starpulse — Miley Cyrus has added to her collection of cars after treating herself to a brand new luxury convertible. The 19-year-old singer/actress walked into a Mercedes-Benz dea... more info