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3 stories in this thread

16:19 on March 17 2009

Modest Mouse to release Heath Ledger-directed video

NMEA Modest Mouse music video directed by the late Heath Ledger is set to be released. more info
04:02 on March 17 2009

Modest Mouse - Terminal 5 pics & setlist, the Heath Ledger video, Letterman & other news

Brooklyn Veganwords by Andrew Frisicano, photos by Natasha Ryan Modest Mouse played Terminal 5 in NYC on Sunday, March 15th, with openers Japanese Motors, Tab the Band, and Mimicking B... more info
21:11 on March 17 2009

Modest Mouse | 03.15 | New York

JamBaseImages by: Michael Jurick Modest Mouse 03.15.09 :: Terminal 5 :: New York City Modest Mouse :: 03.15.09 :: Terminal 5 :: New York City ... more info


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