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3 stories in this thread

12:22 on February 13 2009

Morrissey - Morrissey Bored By Todays Bands

ContactMusicMORRISSEY has spoken out on the current music scene, saying that he finds most of those involved boring.The former SMITHS frontman has recently said he ... more info
15:20 on February 13 2009

New Morrissey (Feat. Chrissie Hynde) - "Shame Is The Name"

Stereogum Diehard fans will claim he never went away, but to those of us who didn't weep or throw flowers when we saw him live, it seems like Mr. Morrissey is in the midst of a ... more info
21:00 on February 13 2009

Morrissey - Years of Refusal

Allmusic BlogAll the heavy lifting of his comeback finished, Morrissey settles into a robust middle age on Years of Refusal, an evocation of his thick Your Arsenal sound that doesn’... more info


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