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3 stories in this thread

10:09 on April 24 2014

Canada's fisheries minister accuses Morrissey of being 'brainwashed'

NMEGail Shea has responded to the singer's comments about the country's seal hunt more info
11:38 on April 24 2014

Animal Rights Activist Morrissey Is Brainwashed, According to Canada's Fisheries Minister

ContactMusicWhile Morrissey has spent a huge amount of time protesting against what he believes to be the maltreatment of animals, all the while regurgitating... more info
14:04 on April 24 2014

Morrissey V. Canadian Seal Hunt Round 3: Moz Responds To Fisheries Minister’s Response

StereogumCanada recently began its annual seal hunt, drawing the passionate ire of many, many animal-rights types, including, unsurprisingly, Morrissey. In one of his characterist... more info


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