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3 stories in this thread

09:04 on June 10 2011

Morrissey's Headlining Appearance Prompts Meat Ban at Belgian Festival

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Troublemakers, AOL Music Singer Morrissey's appearance at a Belgian festival has prompted organizers to instigate the event's first-ever meat-fre... more info
11:50 on June 10 2011

Morrissey makes festival go meat-free

Guardian MusicSinger persuades Lokerse Feesten in Belgium to embrace 'catering challenge' and go veggie on the day he performsA Belgian music festival will go vegetarian for 24 hours t... more info
08:04 on June 10 2011

Festival Bans Meat For Morrissey

Yahoo! Music UKXFM - Belgian event goes veggie for the singer... more info


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