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4 stories in this thread

01:10 on October 22 2012

[VIDEO] Bruno Mars Hosts SNL and Debuts New Song

411 ManiaMars debuts "Young Girls"... more info
17:59 on October 22 2012

Music NewsBruno Mars Debuts New Song On Saturday Night Live

TopixBruno Mars put in extra-overtime on Saturday Night Live over the weekend, hosting and performing. more info
17:19 on October 21 2012

Bruno Mars – Saturday Night Live (VIDEO)

Mjsbigblog Pop star, Bruno Mars, did double duty on Saturday Night Live last night as host and musical guest. Check out the singer's performances of his current single "Locked Out... more info
16:23 on October 21 2012

There’s A Reason SNL Usually Has A Host And A Musical Guest, And His Name Is Bruno Mars

Big Apple Music SceneIn case Saturday Night Live needs a reminder of why they usually have a host and a musical guest, they can rewatch last night's show with Bruno Mars. More » There’s... more info


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