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2 stories in this thread

07:03 on November 23 2009

Music's 3R's 11.23.09: New Stone Temple Pilots, Korn, and Vampire Weekend, Jack White's Upcoming Projects, Them Crooked Vultures, More

411 ManiaFrom updates on the Stone Temple Pilots and Korn, Miley Cyrus’ tour bus crash, and the new Vampire Weekend music video to Jack White’s latest and upcomi... more info
06:09 on November 23 2009

REVIEW: Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures

Undercover, AustraliaI don’t care what anyone says, this album is freaking awesome. The trio of Josh Homme, Dave Grohl and John Paul Jones was doomed to fail to live up to expectations... more info


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