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4 stories in this thread

07:02 on October 19 2009

Nas Owes Over $2 Million In Back Taxes

411 ManiaRapper didn't pay taxes... more info
15:57 on October 19 2009

Nas Owes IRS Over $2.5 Mil In Back Taxes

AllHipHopRapper Nas is the latest artist to run into tax problems with the IRS, as he owes millions of dollars to the federal government.   The IRS filed a lien against Nas clai... more info
11:44 on October 19 2009

Nas 'Hit With $2.5 Million Tax Bill'

AngryApeThe IRS say he owes unpaid taxes more info
12:37 on October 19 2009

Nas Hit With A $2.5 Million Tax Bill

StarpulseRapper Nas has been hit with a massive $2.5 million demand from U.S. tax officials, according to reports.[...] Read more! more info


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