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2 stories in this thread

19:15 on June 15 2009

New Song : Bowerbirds : Beneath Your Tree + Nathaniel Rateliff and The Wheel added...

My Old KentuckyBowerbirds will release Upper Air on July 7th through Dead Oceans. They've previously shared one of the more amazing tracks I've heard so far this year, Northern Lights.... more info
12:53 on June 16 2009

Daily Downloads (Bowerbirds, A.A. Bondy, and more)

LargeHeartedBoyToday's free and legal mp3 downloads: A.A. Bondy: "When the Devil's Loose" [mp3] from When the Devil's Loose (out September 1st) other A.A. Bondy posts at Largehearted Bo... more info


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