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3 stories in this thread

18:04 on March 19 2010

New Video: Lykke Li - Possibility

Persona Sauna Though it may not exactly look like it, this is the new official video for "Possibility" by Lykke Li, taken from the New Moon soundtrack.I love this song. more info
09:48 on March 19 2010

Watch: Lykke Li - 'Possibility'

DrownedInSoundEarlier in the week we found out that the iamamiwhoami videos were NOT Lykke Li, but you knew this already. No great disappointment for fans of the Swedish popstrel, espe... more info
03:13 on March 21 2010

Lykke Li unveils “Possibility” video

Culture BullyNew music video for "Possibility" by Lykke Li from the soundtrack to "The Twilight Saga: New Moon". more info


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