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3 stories in this thread

08:59 on August 26 2009

That's not a good look, Peaches! Miss Geldof bares her knickers and ripped tights as she party hops around London

The Daily MailThe 20-year-old socialite appeared to have taken a few style tips from her father, Bob Geldof, as she opted for the particularly scruffy-looking combination. more info
18:19 on August 26 2009

New Video from Peaches - Take You On

Persona Sauna Peaches has been churning out new videos left and right from I Feel Cream. The latest is for "Take You On," and it looks like some sort of late night television program ... more info
21:49 on August 26 2009

New Peaches Music Video: Take You On

Tastes Like CaramelAlong with launching her Official Blog and TV Channel, Peaches has just released the video for Take You On! The colorful treatment for one of my favorite tunes off of I F... more info


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