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5 stories in this thread

11:56 on January 17 2011

Birdman – Fire Flame (Remix) ft Lil Wayne (Video)

The Hip Hop ChronicleHere’s the video to Birdman’s new song which features Weezy.   a2a_linkname="Birdman – Fire Flame (Remix) ft Lil Wayne (Video)"; a2a_linkurl="http://www.thehiphopc... more info
21:03 on January 17 2011

Nicki Minaj – Romans Revenge 2.0 ft Lil Wayne

The Hip Hop ChronicleKaren Civil comes through and liberates a remix of Nicki Minaj’s Romans Revenge, which features Lil Wayne. There was speculation about whether or not this track would a... more info
22:21 on January 17 2011

Lil Wayne Planning a Roman Revenge

Chorus.fmStream *Nicki Minaj* ('s new remix of "Romans Revenge" featuring *Lil' Wayne* ( here ( more info
08:02 on January 18 2011

[VIDEO] New Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne Track

411 ManiaCheck out the remix of "Roman's Revenge"… more info
00:00 on January 20 2011

(Hot Cheetos) Nicki Minaj, "Roman's Revenge" (Remix feat. Lil Wayne)

Impose MagazineMaybe you liked the original wherein Eminem talks about his dick a bunch and threatens to tie you to a bed post, but we're throwing our towel with Lil Wayne's verse in th... more info


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