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4 stories in this thread

19:26 on December 26 2016

Sony Music's Twitter hacked, fake Britney Spears death tweets sent

Yahoo! MusicNEW YORK (Reuters) - Sony Music Entertainment's Twitter account was hacked on Monday, publishing fake statements that pop music icon Britney Spears had died. Sony Mu... more info
14:37 on December 26 2016

Britney Spears Targeted In Sony Music Hack

TMZSony has been hacked again -- this time a high-profile cyber attacker hijacked the company's music page and declared Britney Spears dead ... but don't worry, she's fine. ... more info
14:27 on December 26 2016

No, Britney Spears Isn’t Dead

TimeDespite an "RIP" tweet from Sony Music more info
14:05 on December 26 2016

Sony Music Confirm Britney Spears Is Alive And Well After Hacked Tweets Said She Died NewsThe official global twitter account for Britney's record label had suggested the star had died... more info


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