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4 stories in this thread

17:03 on August 13 2012

No Doubt Reveal Track List For Push And Shove

411 ManiaEleven songs... more info
18:44 on August 13 2012

No Doubt - Tracklist For No Doubt's Comeback Album Is Unveiled

ContactMusicPush and Shove is the title of the upcoming No Doubt album the bands first since 2001s Rock Steady Today both the artwork and the track listing have been released excitin... more info
15:08 on August 14 2012

No Doubt - No Doubt Make 'the Album Of Our Lives'

ContactMusicNo Doubt have made the album of our lives The Dont Speak hitmakers are confident their first record in eleven years Push and Shove is worth the wait and are so proud of t... more info
16:05 on August 14 2012

No Doubt Say Push and Shove Is The Record Of Their Lives

411 ManiaOtherwise, why put something out? more info


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