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3 stories in this thread

03:09 on December 1 2011

Hanson Developing Their Own Beer

411 ManiaIt will be called "MMMHop." No joke..... more info
12:45 on December 2 2011

No Joke, Hanson Is Coming Out With Their Own Brand Of Beer!

Perez HiltonOh wait. That's not even the best part! It's to be called - MMMHop! HA! The boys men who make up the brotherly trio of Hanson have revealed their latest business venture.... more info
23:08 on November 30 2011

Hanson Stays Relevant By Releasing A Beer Called MMMHop

Big Apple Music SceneThis is the best and last news we will share with you today: '90s boy band Hanson is hard at work on an IPA for their fans, who presumably are old enough to drink alcoh... more info


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