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4 stories in this thread

05:10 on August 12 2011

Noel Gallagher On Mumford & Sons, Radiohead, Amy Winehouse And His Brother

Stopcryingyourheartout.comNoel Gallagher knows that interviews get him in trouble. "I can't help but offend people," he says. "I've got a certain turn of phrase and way with words, that when writt... more info
07:49 on August 12 2011

Noel Gallagher: ‘I wish I had written Mumford & Sons’ ‘The Cave’’

NMENoel calls Radiohead an "odd bunch" in the same interview more info
05:42 on August 12 2011

Noel Gallagher Wishes He Had Written Mumford & Sons' 'The Cave'

GigwiseSinger praises the band... more info
04:01 on August 12 2011

Noel Gallagher's Mumford Envy

Yahoo! Music UKXFM - The indie music legend has admitted he wishes he'd written The Cave... more info


All the sources contributing to this story.



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