Observer Food Monthly Awards 2012 Best Place to Drink: The Zetter Townhouse, London
Tony Conigliaro's world-class cocktails are just one element of this brilliant barThere are drinks you sip and swill and ponder on, and others that you shoot to the back of your neck like a starting pistol. Tony Conigliaro is a master of them all. Conigliaro is not a mixologist (his face, when I say the word, twists painfully) and, despite being described as the Heston Blumenthal of drinks, he's certainly not a molecular mixologist (face like he's being booted by a very large man in very small b...
Guardian Music — Tony Conigliaro's world-class cocktails are just one element of this brilliant barThere are drinks you sip and swill and ponder on, and others that you shoot to the back ... more info