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4 stories in this thread

22:11 on April 23 2009

Oklahoma Legislature Votes Against State Song By Those Flaming Lips Commies

Stereogum"Do You Realize???" was voted Oklahoma state song! Until it wasn't: "The Oklahoma House rejected a resolution today to name a song by The Flaming Lips as the state's offi... more info
23:47 on April 23 2009

Oklahoma governor overrides House rejection of Flaming Lips tune

NMEHe upholds people's choice of 'Do You Realize' as state song more info
13:51 on April 24 2009

News Ticker: Flaming Lips, Coachella and ASCAP Awards

Rolling StonePhoto: Fox/WireImage Oklahoma’s governor will sign an executive order declaring the Flaming Lips’ “Do You Realize??” the state’s official rock song. The state... more info
14:39 on April 24 2009

Flaming Lips Bid For Oklahoma Gathers Pace

The QuietusWackaday rockers closer to having official state song more info


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