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4 stories in this thread

18:11 on April 25 2010

AC/DC beat Paul Weller to albums chart Number One

NMERockers' 'Iron Man 2' soundtrack overcomes 'Wake Up The Nation' more info
04:33 on April 26 2010

AC/DC's 'Iron Man 2' Soundtrack Beats Paul Weller To Number One

GigwiseJust 3,000 copies were in it... more info
01:16 on April 26 2010

Ac Dc - Acdc Top Uk Chart With Iron Man Soundtrack

ContactMusicAC DC have returned to the top of the U.K. album chart with a little help from IRON MAN.The group's Iron Man 2 soundtrack has beaten Paul Weller to the top spot and... more info
22:45 on April 25 2010

Old AC/DC Beats New Paul Weller In UK

Undercover, AustraliaThe `Iron Man 2` soundtrack featuring 15 old songs from AC/DC has beaten an album of brand new songs from UK God Paul Weller to the top of the British chart this week. more info


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