"Supersonic" is the debut single released by British rock band Oasis, written by Noel Gallagher. It also appears on their debut album, Definitely Maybe. It was released on the 11 April 1994 and peaked at #31 on the official UK charts. It was the song performed by the band on their debut national TV performance on Channel 4's The Word, which aired on 18 March 1994. It remains to this day a favourite song of both the band and their fans (on the Definitely Maybe DVD, Noel cites it as his favourite ...
The Telegraph — Twenty years ago, on April 11 1994, Oasis released their debut single, Supersonic. Britain would never be the same, says Neil McCormick more info
Stopcryingyourheartout.com — "Supersonic" is the debut single released by British rock band Oasis, written by Noel Gallagher. It also appears on their debut album, Definitely Maybe. It was released o... more info
ContactMusic — The warring Gallagher brothers called a "truce" to work together on an Oasis exhibition celebrating 20 years since the release of the band's debut... more info