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3 stories in this thread

08:00 on September 4 2012

One Direction - One Direction Settle Name Dispute

ContactMusicBritish boy band One Direction are allowed to keep their name following a legal dispute with an American group bearing the same moniker The One Thing hitmakers - made up ... more info
13:35 on September 4 2012

One Direction Settle Legal Battle Over Their Name

StarpulseBritish pop stars One Direction have settled a dispute with an American band of the same name after their U.S. counterparts agreed to change their moniker. The boy band... more info
14:20 on September 4 2012

One Direction - One Direction Defeat 'one Direction' In Band Name Battle

ContactMusicBritish boy band emOne Directionem are allowed to keep their name The What Makes You Beautiful hitmakers - who are made up of emHarry Stylesem emNiall Horanem Liam Payne ... more info


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