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3 stories in this thread

14:41 on January 18 2010

Panda Bear Does "Daily Routine" In Berlin

StereogumBummed 2009 passed away and left Merriweather Post Pavilion a less sexy option for so and so is > than so and so equations? Cheer up, Panda Bear did a one-man "Daily Rout... more info
18:30 on January 18 2010

Panda Bear: New songs / "Daily Routine" (Live in Berlin)

Pitchfork - ForkcastAnimal Collective's Panda Bear just finished up a brief European tour, during which he offered a preview of his forthcoming solo album, rumored to be titled Tomboy.... more info
23:09 on January 18 2010

Panda Bear Plays New Songs Live

We All Want Someone To Shout ForPanda Bear played two new songs during a gig in Belgium. GorillavsBear saw that there was a video of the two songs, and posted it! I gave the video a quick listen, and th... more info


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