Passion Pit's Michael Angelakos: 'I'm always in crisis. That's the problem'
Renowned for his miserable lyrics, Passion Pit's Michael Angelakos talks about dealing with stress and his dislike of MySpacePassion Pit make the kind of relentlessly effervescent, maximalist electro-pop that conjures images of over-excited toddlers let loose in ball pits. Until, that is, you realise all that giddy mania is the vehicle for some of the most despondent lyrics around. Twenty-five-year-old Michael Angelakos, frontman and founder, is responsible for both extremes but in person – a ...
Guardian Music — Renowned for his miserable lyrics, Passion Pit's Michael Angelakos talks about dealing with stress and his dislike of MySpacePassion Pit make the kind of relentlessly eff... more info
LargeHeartedBoy — Lonely Planet lists 10 literary bars of New York City. The Observer profiles the band Passion Pit. Passion Pit make the kind of relentlessly effervescent, maximalist elec... more info