Pearl Jam “Unthought Known” Video, Live And Via Laptop
True, most videos you see these days are delivered to your eyeballs via laptop. But Pearl Jam’s gone one better on this video, which was actually filmed on one, onstage, then flipped around to the crowd and back again, full circle. It’s a nice concept (by Bernard Shakey), and nicely executed (by Wes C. Addle), and [...]
Stereogum — True, most videos you see these days are delivered to your eyeballs via laptop. But Pearl Jam’s gone one better on this video, which was actually filmed on one, onstage... more info
Stereogum — True, most videos you see these days are delivered to your eyeballs via laptop. But Pearl Jam’s gone one better on this video, which was actually filmed on one, onstage... more info