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3 stories in this thread

04:50 on June 3 2010

Pete Doherty Bumps Into Kate Moss On Ibiza Flight

GigwiseThey endure awkward journey... more info
07:08 on June 3 2010

Kate Moss - Moss Dohertys Fraught Flight

ContactMusicKATE MOSS was left cringing on a flight to Ibiza, Spain on Tuesday (01Jun10) when her daughter ran over to the star's former lover, PETE DOHERTY, who was sat nearby, acco... more info
10:41 on June 3 2010

Pete Doherty reunites with Kate Moss on Ibiza trip - Daily Gossip

NMERio Ferdinand's playlist, Bono's hospital release, Tom Jones' affair advice – your music gossip stop more info


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