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5 stories in this thread

13:30 on June 22 2009

Passion Pit played Bowery Ballroom (twice) +++ Phoenix add 2nd Summerstage show (tix)

Brooklyn VeganPassion Pit fans @ Bowery Ballroom - June 20, 2009 (TimmyGUNZ) "The members of Passion Pit -- Mr. Angelakos, Ian Hultquist on keyboards and guitar, Ayad Al Adhamy on keyb... more info
16:04 on June 22 2009

Phoenix add second Central Park show

NMEFrench band will play two gigs in September more info
17:07 on June 22 2009

Phoenix & Amazing Baby @ Terminal 5 in NYC - pics, setlist

Brooklyn Veganphotos by Natasha Ryan Phoenix @ Terminal 5 "Phoenix's 75-minute set at the sold-out Terminal 5 showed that the success of "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" is only the starting... more info
07:30 on June 23 2009

Passion Pit & Dananananaykroyd to appear at July Levi’s OnesToWatch 5 Night Review

My Chemical ToiletPassion Pit will have plenty of chances to show whether they're worthy of the hype this summer, and one of them will occur at London's Vibe Bar. more info
02:33 on June 23 2009

Passion Pit / Harlem Shakes - Live @ Empty Bottle

Music For AntsAfter spending the day in uptown Chicago, we arrived at the sold-out Empty Bottle for Passion Pit and Harlem Shakes. The hipsters were out in full force to see the bands,... more info


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