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3 stories in this thread

19:00 on May 13 2013

Woman Removed from Plane for Singing Whitney Houston Songs

People.comIt's not right, but it's okay: L.A.-N.Y. passengers are fine after emergency landing in Kansas City more info
19:37 on May 14 2013

Plane Forced To Make Emergency Landing To Remove Passenger Singing Whitney Houston Song

StarpulseAn American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York had to make an emergency stop in Kansas City, Missouri, last week because one of the passengers wouldn't stop sin... more info
21:03 on May 14 2013

Your Stupid Laugh Of The Day: Woman Kicked Off Plane For Singing Whitney Houston

Big Apple Music SceneOkay so what happened was, some flight had to make an emergency landing in Kansas City because one of the passengers aboard the plane wouldn't stop singing Whitney Housto... more info


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