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3 stories in this thread

17:30 on July 17 2016

Please Don’t Throw Your Hat At Justin Bieber During His Inspirational Speech

StereogumPlease don’t throw your hat at Justin Bieber during his inspirational speech. He doesn’t like it. One chapeau-tossing Belieber in Atlantic City found this out the har... more info
12:33 on July 18 2016

Watch Justin Bieber tell fan he doesn't want their 'shit' gift during gig

NMEIncident occurred during Atlantic City concert on Friday (July 15) more info
11:05 on July 17 2016

Woah. Justin Bieber Totally Slated A Fan Who Tried To Give Him A Present At His Atlantic City Gig NewsJustin Bieber slammed a fan who was trying to throw him a gift onstage at his concert at Atlantic City on Friday more info


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