Quick Spin: Neko Case's Middle Cyclone - Washington Post
Los Angeles TimesQuick Spin: Neko Case's Middle CycloneWashington PostComments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain signatures by someone other than the actual author will be removed.CD reviews: Neko Case album lacks verve, The Prodigy gives an ... UI The Daily IowanNeko Case finds a home behind the mike Los Angeles TimesPitchforkmedia.com - Columbus Dispatch - PopM...
Idolator — Our look at the closing lines of the week's biggest new-music reviews continues with a roundup of reactions to Middle Cyclone, the new album by Neko Case:
• "This is Ca... more info
In a little over a decade, Neko Case has transformed from alt-country darling to indie goddess. Critically acclaimed and fan beloved, she’s made a career writing and si... more info
Buzzgrinder — Maybe I'm biased because I listened to Fox Confessor habitually for months. Or because I think she's hot. Or because she is what makes The New Pornographers listenable.
... more info
Buzzgrinder — I am one of very few that thinks U2 really aren't that great other than The Joshua Tree and a few other random songs. The fact that Rolling Stone gave the new release fi... more info
Los Angeles TimesQuick Spin: Neko Case's Middle CycloneWashington PostComments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will... more info